

Fetih 1453 (2012) Latest Movie, Lyrics, Songs, Release date, Review, and Downloader Links.

Fetih 1453 (2012) Latest Movie

 Fetih 1453 (2012) Latest Movie, Lyrics, Songs, Release date, Review, Top Cast, Story line, Official Trailer, Watch Online, Free Downloader Links and More Info About Fetih 1453 (2012)  You can read here and Free Download.

About: Fetih 1453 (2012) Latest Movie

Fetih 1453 (English: The Conquest 1453) is a 2012 Turkish epic action film directed by Faruk Aksoy and produced by Faruk Aksoy, Servet Aksoy and AyÅŸe Germen. Starring Devrim Evin, Ä°brahim Çelikkol and Dilek Serbest, the film is based on events surrounding the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks during the reign of Sultan Mehmed II.

Fetih 1453 (2012) Latest Movie

Fetih 1453 (2012) Latest Movie Top Cast

Devrim EvinMehmed IIThe 7th Ottoman sultan who seeks to conquer Constantinople. Mehmed's childhood is played by Ege Uslu.
İbrahim ÇelikkolUlubatlı HasanMehmed's friend and mentor, leader of Ottoman cavalry corps. He martyrs himself when placing an Ottoman banner in the top of Walls of Constantinople while suffering multiple arrow wounds.
Dilek SerbestEraOrban's adopted daughter he bought from a slave market in Constantinople. She has a romantic relationship with Hasan. Era's childhood is played by Algun Molla.
Recep AktuÄŸConstantine XIThe last Byzantine emperor. In this film, when he dies, Mehmed orders Byzantine noblemen to bury him in Christian tradition.
Cengiz CoÅŸkunKnight GiustinianiGenoese general. He is killed by Hasan.
Erden AlkanÇandarlı Halil PashaOttoman Grand Vizier serving under Murad II and Mehmed II. He rejects all Mehmed's plans relating to the conquest of Constantinople and urges peace with Byzantium.
Naci AdıgüzelGrand Duke NotarasThe last Megas Doux of Constantinople. He shows strong opposition towards Constantine's intention to seek help from Vatican and Genoa.
ErdoÄŸan AydemirOrbanA Hungarian master who initially proposes his sketch to Doge of Genoa, but the Doge isn't interested in it. Orban refuses Notaras' demand to design a cannon for Byzantium. When Notaras' men attempts to arrest Orban for his refusal, Hasan saves him and Era, his adoptive daughter to Edirne. Orban later design the Great Bombard for the Ottoman Empire used in the siege of Constantinople.
Ä°lker KurtMurad IIThe 6th Ottoman sultan, father of Mehmed II.
Sedat MertZagan PashaAn Ottoman military commander who is used to be an ardent advocate for the conquest of Constantinople. He often confronts with Halil Pasha urging to live in peace with Byzantine Empire.
Raif Hikmet ÇamAkshemseddinOne of Mehmed's tutors. He comes to Mehmed in the 40th day of the siege, and motivates the then-upset and frustrated Sultan with the discovery of Abu Ayyub Al Ansari's tomb near the Walls of Constantinople.
Namık Kemal YiğittürkMolla HüsrevOne of Mehmed's tutors who invites Akshemseddin to motivate the Sultan in the 40th day of the siege.
Ömer AsMolla GüraniOne of Mehmed's tutors who invites Akshemseddin to motivate the Sultan in the 40th day of the siege.
Mustafa Atilla KuntÅžahabettin PashaAn Ottoman military commander and vizier. He is tasked by Sultan Mehmed II to make three furnaces. During the siege of Constantinople he attacks the city from Tekfur Palace (Palace of the Porphyrogenitus) and the Gate of Caligaria.
Özcan AliserSaruca PashaAn Ottoman military commander and vizier.
Murat SezalÄ°sa PashaAn Ottoman military commander.
Faik AksoyKaraca PashaAn Ottoman military commander. During the siege of Constantinople, he attacks the city from the Gate of Charisius and Blachernae Palace (Ayvansaray).
Hüseyin SanturSüleyman PashaAn Ottoman admiral. During the siege of Constantinople, he attacks the city from the Golden Horn. He is banished by Mehmed after the failure to enter the Golden Horn.
Ali Rıza SoydanPopeAn unnamed Pope of Vatican (the contemporary Pope in that time was Nicholas V).
Ali Ersin YenarDoge of GenoaAn unnamed Doge of Genoa who orders Giustiniani to command Genoese army after an assault towards Genoese freight in the Bosphorus (the contemporary Doge in that time was Pietro di Campofregoso).
İzzet ÇivrilCardinal IsidoreA cardinal who offers supports from Vatican to Byzantium.
Adnan KürkçüGennadius ScholariusAn Orthodox theologian who strongly opposes the Emperor's plan to unite Eastern Orthodoxy with Roman Catholicism.
Şahika KoldemirGülbahar HatunMehmed's wife, mother of Prince Bayezid.
Edip TüfekçiPrince OrhanPretender to the Ottoman throne who is an exile in Constantinople. During the siege of Constantinople, he is assigned to defend Port of Langa.
Aslan Ä°zmirliKaramanoÄŸlu Ä°brahimBey of Karamanids provoked to rebel against Ottoman Empire by Constantine XI.
Yiğitcan ElmalıPrince BayezidMehmed II's son.
OÄŸuz OktayOsman IThe founder of Ottoman Empire, Mehmed's forefather. In this film, he is depicted to appear before Mehmed in Mehmed's dream. Osman tells Mehmed that he is the conqueror mentioned by Muhammad.
Tuncay GençkalanAbu Ayyub al-AnsariOne of Muhammad's sahaba depicted to retell Muhammad's word about the capture of Constantinople by a blessed army and commander. In his later life, he joins a Muslim army to conquer Constantinople in 670s, but he dies in Constantinople and is buried there.
Yılmaz BabatürkIshak PashaAn Ottoman general.
Halis BayraktaroğluKurtçu DoğanLeader of the Janissary.
Songül KayaLady EmineHalil Pasha's wife.
Lili RichDancerDinner table dancer.
Hüseyin ÖzayAli the BlacksmithHasan's teacher.
Buminhan DedecanMustafaAn Ottoman tunnel master.
Emrah ÖzdemirSelimAn Ottoman tunnel foreman.
Yiğit YararHüseyinAn Ottoman soldier.
Lili RichDancerDinner table dancer.
Hüseyin BozdemirMahmudOrban's assistant.

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